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Original trilogy characters Lando Calrissian and Dengar will soon be playable on Star Wars: Battlefront, EA announced earlier this week.

Lando and Dengar will be included in the second Battlefront expansion pack, Bespin, coming in June. Players will be able to battle on Cloud City as Lando (Rebel Alliance) or Dengar (Galactic Empire).

Battlefront producer Craig McLeod made the announcement on EA’s official Star Wars website. He also revealed other details on the Bespin expansion pack which can be read below:

“This June, Season Pass holders will also receive our second digital expansion pack, Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Bespin. We’re taking players in and around Cloud City, with four new maps for all of our most popular modes. You’ll see AT-ATs in Cloud City, take to the skies in Fighter Squadron, and even spend time in a carbonite chamber. Of course, we’re also adding more blasters and Star Cards, a new game mode, and two new iconic characters we’re really excited about – Lando Calrissian and the cold-blooded bounty hunter, Dengar.”

Two more heroes will be included in the Death Star expansion pack (coming in the Autumn), in addition to another two in the fourth expansion pack- coming in Spring 2017. McLeod also teased that Star Wars Day (May 4th) will have some special in-game content that they are currently preparing.

Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to playing as Lando Calrissian and Dengar on Star Wars: Battlefront?


By Ruari Williamson

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