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Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Inception, Legend) is rumoured to have a small role in Star Wars Episode VIII.

*This is only a rumour and may or may not be accurate. However, if you’re looking to avoid any possible details concerning Episode VIII this is your SPOILER ALERT warning*.




Details on Hardy’s scene in the film are as follows:

  • Tom Hardy plays a First Order stormtrooper.
  • Said stormtrooper glimpses FN-2187 on a secret mission but doesn’t realize it.
  • The “incognito” FN-2187 is surprised when the stormtrooper walks up behind him and slaps him on the ass.
  • FN-2187 turns around and believes he’s dead. He’s surely going to be captured.
  • The stormtrooper is elated to see his old friend from back during their First Order academy days.
  • The stormtrooper congratulates FN-2187 on his promotion to Resistance infiltrator and spy.
  • FN-2187 is free to go about his business to his amazement.

It sounds like Hardy’s role will be in a similar vein to Daniel Craig’s cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the sense that he only appears in one scene.

Star Wars Episode VIII is scheduled for release on December 15th, 2017.

Thoughts on this rumour? Would you like to see Tom Hardy make an appearance in Star Wars Episode VIII?


By Ruari Williamson

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