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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens may just be months away at this point, but rumours are now already coming out surrounding Episode VIII. The latest rumour hints at three actresses that are being considered by Lucasfilm and Disney, any of whom could end up playing a new female lead in Star Wars Episode VIII.

The actresses in question are Gina Rodriguez (Jane Villanueva in Jane the Virgin and Beverly in The Bold and the Beautiful), Tatiana Maslany (Sarah Manning, Cosima Niehaus and Alison Hendrix in Orphan Black, Kit Bailey in Heartland and Mary Dexter in Diary of the Dead) and Olivia Cooke (Emma Decody in Bates Motel) .

Interesting to note is that Tatiana Maslany was previously on the shortlist for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the first of the spin-off films which will be released next year. Maybe the fact that she’s on a Star Wars short-list again is an indication that Lucasfilm and Disney liked her before and increases her chances of being cast in a Star Wars film?

The three mentioned actresses (and possibly others) are reportedly going to have a chemistry read with John Boyega, Finn in The Force Awakens, sometime this month.

Thoughts on this rumour? Would you like to see Gina, Tatiana and/or Olivia in a Star Wars film?


By Ruari Williamson


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