The official title of Marvel’s upcoming Spider-Man reboot has reportedly been revealed.
The film is reportedly titled Spider-Man: Homecoming. The report stems from Sony Pictures buying a domain name which suggests that this is the title of the film. The domain name reads as:
While it may sound like a strange title, fans should keep in mind that this possible title would be appropriate for a number of reasons:
Helps to reinforce the high school theme that Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures have already stated they’re going to heavily focus on.
It could be a nod to Spider-Man ‘coming home’ to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It shares the same title as a Spider-Man storyline in the 1980’s that featured The Avengers.
Marvel’s Spider-Man film is scheduled for release on July 7th, 2017.
Thoughts on this report? Are you excited for Tom Holland’s first Spider-Man solo film?
A new featurette for X-Men: Apocalypse has been released.
The featurette focuses on the titular villain (played by Oscar Isaac) and his four horseman- Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Psylocke (Olivia Munn), Storm (Alexandra Shipp) and Angel (Ben Hardy). The featurette explains how and why Apocalypse has gathered these four to be his horsemen.
You can watch the featurette below:
X-Men: Apocalypse is set for release on May 27th, 2016.
Thoughts on this featurette? Are you excited for the release of X-Men: Apocalypse?
By Ruari Williamson
*Be sure to subscribe to our website for updates every time a new article is published and check us out on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube*.
A new filming location for Star Wars Episode VIII is rumoured to have been revealed.
Recent reports have indicated that the Star Wars Episode VIII production would be returning to Ireland this year, but this rumour has highlighted the location in Ireland that will be used for more scenes. The English Market in Cork City is supposedly being prepared for Star Wars production.
However, the scenes shot in the market will supposedly be on a different planet to Ach-To (the planet Rey meets Luke Skywalker on at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens).
The source of this news also says the following:
“We believe that this setting looks like it might be the first Irish location which will not be used for Ahch-to. It is more likely that it will become a part of the world created in Dubrovnik. The Cork shoot is rumoured to be taking place in the last week in April, with 100 crew members moving into Cork. Sections of the market will be closed off for set design purposes, but when production starts, the entire market will be closed to the public.
What’s even cooler is that not only are the local traders getting compensated for the time their stalls will be closed, but some of them are actually being given roles as extra’s in the market!”
Star Wars Episode VIII is scheduled for release on December 15th, 2017.
Thoughts on this rumour? Are you excited about the possibility of seeing this location in Star Wars Episode VIII?
The on-going Star Wars: Rebels animated series is rumoured to be ending after its third season, which will begin airing later this year.
Rebels was renewed for a third season while the second season was still on-air, but rumours that the third season would be the last have been around for a while. The first rumour came as far back as 2014- where the source cited the show would end after 3-4 seasons.
The final season will reportedly be used to set up Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (coming this December) and Rebels will then be replaced by a new animated series. The new series will supposedly have most of the same crew that have been working on Rebels.
However, the Rebels characters will continue to be given their own stories in one-off adventures in the form of TV movies or direct to home media releases.
The third season of Star Wars: Rebels begins airing later this year.
Thoughts on this news? Will you be sad to see the end of Star Wars: Rebels?
Our interview with actor Rob Morgan is now up on our YouTube channel!
You can listen to the interview below:
“Join host Ruari in this guest interview with actor Rob Morgan, best-known for playing Turk Barrett in the Daredevil series, Joshua Carpenter in Believe, Lomatic in Full Circle, Sock in Pariah and Cuffed Man Curtis in The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete. In the interview they talk about how Rob decided he wanted to become an actor, how Rob was initially cast as Turk Barrett in the Daredevil series, Rob’s favourite memories from working on the first season of Daredevil, what Rob would have liked to see the Daredevil writers do with Turk Barrett following his arrest, has Rob heard of the comic that has Turk Barrett escape jail and getting beaten up by Daredevil again, whether Rob thinks we’ll see Turk Barrett on Marvel’s other Netflix shows and Rob’s upcoming acting roles and other projects.”
Be sure to leave your feedback on the interview and enjoy!
We’ll be uploading a new Daredevil interview to our YouTube channel today!
We’ll be uploading our interview with actor Rob Morgan. Rob is best-known for playing Turk Barrett in the Daredevil series. His other notable roles include Joshua Carpenter in Believe, Lomatic in Full Circle, Sock in Pariah and Cuffed Man Curtis in The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete.
We hope you’re looking forward to the uploading of the interview!
By Ruari Williamson
*Be sure to subscribe to our website for updates every time a new article is published and check us out on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube*.
J.K. Simmons (Spider-Man trilogy, Terminator Genisys, Whiplash) has been cast as Commissioner Jim Gordon in The Justice League- Part One.
The Justice League is expected to begin filming sometime this month. Part One will be released on November 16th, 2017. Part Two will follow on June 14th, 2019.
Thoughts on this casting? Are you excited to see J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Jim Gordon?
Jewel Staite (Firefly, Serenity, Stargate Atlantis) has been cast in a guest-star role on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow series.
Staite will play Rachel Turner, a character described as “a tech genius/roboticist who exists in a future in which technology has an even firmer grip on our lives than it does today.” She will debut in the tenth episode of the series (which airs next week).
Rachel Turner is described as also being one of a “long line of inventors”.
Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer is quoted as saying the following on Staite’s character:
“She’s related to one of our heroes. We will find that she’s not a person off the street. We are going into the most distant future that we will be visiting, and we will find that she is the biological result of something that one of our characters either directly or indirectly did before their recruitment in the pilot, in 2016. As we know, when we pull our characters out of the timeline, they cease to have an effect on the future, but this will be a sort of Ghost of Christmas Future where somebody will realize that something that they did before they left had a butterfly effect on the future that will effectively — they will have aided and abetted Vandal Savage’s rise to power.”
Thoughts on this casting? Are you excited to see Jewel Staite as part of the Legends of Tomorrow cast?
A new image from the upcoming Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot has been released.
The image gives fans a first good look at the Amazons of Themyscira. The image includes Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), her mother, Queen Hyppolyta (Connie Nielsen), and her aunt, General Antiope (Robin Wright) and her lieutenant, Menalippe.
The Wonder Woman movie is scheduled for release on June 23rd, 2017.
Thoughts on the image? Are you looking forward to the Wonder Woman movie?