Rogue One A Star Wars Story Toy Packaging Revealed

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Following the release of the first teaser trailer and a new teaser poster for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm and Disney have revealed the toy packaging that will be seen on Star Wars merchandise beginning in the autumn. The packaging can be viewed at the top of this article.

The new packaging is designed to coincide with the release of Rogue One. The packaging includes the black armoured Stormtrooper, AT-AT’s and TIE Fighters.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is scheduled for release on December 16th, 2016.

Thoughts on the toy packaging? Does it make you even more excited to buy merchandise from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?


By Ruari Williamson

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Everything Geek Podcast Interview Today- David M. Santana

David M Santana on EGFirst Order Stormtrooper David M Santana Star Wars The Force Awakens 3
On the one-hundredth and fortieth episode and next LIVE episode of the Everything Geek Podcast this weekend, we’ll be interviewing actor David M. Santana! David is best-known for playing numerous First Order Stormtroopers and a First Order Snowtrooper Officer in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. His other notable roles include Sam in Prince of Freedom, Alex in The Beach, Nathan in Outside OS and Santi in Susurros. We’ll be taking YOUR questions for David as well, so if you have any questions for David on any of his roles, please leave them in the comments or call-in when we look for questions or call-ins from our listeners on Channel1138! David’s full list of credits can be found here:
By Ruari Williamson
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Confirmed- First Doctor Strange Movie Trailer Coming Next Week

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The first trailer for Marvel Studios’ upcoming Doctor Strange movie will be released on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” next week.

Benedict Cumberbatch, who stars as the title character in the film, will be joining Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday April 12th to debut the trailer. Clark Gregg (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’s Phil Coulson) will also be a guest on the show that day.

Kimmel will be busy with lots of Marvel guests on his show next week on top of Cumberbatch and Gregg. Team Captain America will be appearing on April 11th, Team Iron Man on April 13th and Thor’s Chris Hemsworth on April 14th.

The Doctor Strange movie is scheduled for release on November 4th, 2016.

Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to seeing the first trailer for the Doctor Strange movie?


By Ruari Williamson

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Game of Thrones- Season 6 Premiere Title & Synopsis Released

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HBO has released the title and synopsis for the premiere episode of Game of Thrones Season 6.

The episode is titled “The Red Woman” and its synopsis can be read below:

“Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.”

“The Red Woman” likely refers to Melisandre, who Game of Thrones fans have been speculating will resurrect Jon Snow.

The sixth season of Game of Thrones premieres on April 24th.

Thoughts on the title and synopsis? Are you looking forward to the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere?


By Ruari Williamson

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Confirmed- Jessica Henwick Cast as Colleen Wing in Marvel’s Iron Fist Series

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Jessica Henwick (Game of Thrones, Star Wars: The Force Awakens) has been cast as female lead Colleen Wing in Marvel’s Iron Fist series.

Wing is described as “an invaluable ally to Iron Fist as he returns to his life in New York.” She will also run her own dojo in the series.

A description of the character in the Marvel comics can be read below:

“Wing, in the pages of Marvel Comics, is one half of the “Daughters of the Dragon” alongside Misty Knight. She was created in 1974 by Doug Moench and Larry Hama as a martial arts expert who frequently teams with Iron Fist and his own oft-partner Luke Cage. Her specialty is swordsmanship and Japanese martial arts.”

Showrunner and executive producer Scott Buck is quoted as saying the following:

“I’m very excited to have Jessica as our Colleen Wing. She’s shown us that she can bring both a sense of quiet strength as well as an engaging vulnerability to the character.”

Head of Marvel Television Jeph Loeb had the following to add:

“Jessica brings both a youthful vitality mixed with a strong sense of authority crucial to the character. And as anyone who’s seen her in Game of Thrones can attest, she can throw down with the best of them, making her the perfect Colleen Wing.”

Marvel also released a teaser image for the character which can be viewed below:

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The Iron Fist series is expected to premiere sometime in 2017.

Thoughts on this casting? Are you excited to see Jessica Henwick as Colleen Wing in Iron Fist?


By Ruari Williamson

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Report- The Walking Dead Season 6 Finale Cliff-hanger Hasn’t Been Filmed Yet

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The decision of the writers to end The Walking Dead’s sixth season finale has caused a division among fans. Many fans lament the decision while another large number back the decision. Even the actors don’t know which character was being killed off because the death scene hasn’t actually been filmed yet.

Executive producer and zombie guru Greg Nicotero (who also directed the finale) is quoted as saying the following:

“We have not filmed it yet and I don’t know if the person knows yet or not. Knowing the fact that any death changes our characters and changes our people in a very dramatic way, what’s exciting about season seven is how a death — any death — changes people and propels us into a different direction. While we were shooting this episode, I’d never seen the cast more energized and more excited about the future of the show. The fact that the world is our oyster right now is exciting time for The Walking Dead. We’re changing the direction of the show and bringing Negan in, it’s a great time. Everyone is so excited to get back to work [in May] to get where we’re going.”

The Walking Dead returns for its seventh season later this year.

Thoughts on this report? Are you looking forward to the cliff-hanger being resolved in The Walking Dead Season 7?


By Ruari Williamson

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Confirmed- Zack Snyder Reveals that Standalone Superman Movies are still Planned

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Director Zack Snyder (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel) has revealed that more standalone Superman movies are still planned.

“I think if we could get a good script it’d be great to have another standalone Superman movie. I think that would be fun to do. Part of the reason we haven’t announced the stand alone Superman movie at this time was to support some of the events of this film.”

Furthermore, current Superman actor Henry Cavill has said that he is open to doing more standalone Superman films:

“I do believe it depends upon the success of this movie. If this goes well, then we can start negotiating with Warner Bros. to develop another standalone Superman, but they’ve got their plans set out for other stuff and Justice Leagues and various other movies, so it’s about finding the time really. It’s something I’d be very keen to do.”

Both Snyder and Cavill’s comments came while promoting the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, so clearly the focus for both of them right now is on that film. Snyder also confirmed that Batman v Superman is the launch of so many new parts in the DC Cinematic Universe.

Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to seeing more standalone Superman movies?


By Ruari Williamson

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Report- Ryan Reynolds Signs Deal for Deadpool 2

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Ryan Reynolds, who starred as the title character in this years’ highly successful Deadpool movie, has reportedly signed the deal to star in Deadpool 2.

Previous reports indicate that Reynolds earned $2 million for Deadpool. While he was already signed on for a sequel, his agents at WME have supposedly managed to renegotiate for a larger payment in future Deadpool instalments. This is understandable with Deadpool becoming the highest grossing film in the X-Men franchise and one of the highest grossing R-rated movies of all time.

The Deadpool sequel will reportedly begin filming late this year.

Thoughts on this report? Are you excited for the release of Deadpool 2?


By Ruari Williamson

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Report- Three More Possible Titles for the New Spider-Man Film Surface Online

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Following on from the report of a possible title for Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures’ upcoming Spider-Man film, three more possible titles for the film have surfaced online.

Sony Pictures has reportedly registered the following domain names:, and The domain names suggest that the movie could potentially be called Spider-Man: Coming of Age, Spider-Man: Greatness Awaits or Spider-Man: Suspended.

The purchase of multiple domain names suggests that Sony hasn’t finalised their decision on which title they should use.

However, these possible titles could also be in consideration for the upcoming animated Spider-Man film (and the titles do sound like they’re targeted for a younger audience).

Marvel’s Spider-Man film is scheduled for release on July 7th, 2017.

Thoughts on this report? Which of these possible titles do you like the best?


By Ruari Williamson

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The Walking Dead- Season 6 Blu-ray/DVD to be Released in August

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The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season will be released on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD on August 23rd, 2016.

No details on the bonus content have been announced, but there will be a standard edition and a limited edition released. Fans can expect to hear Negan’s “f-bombs” in the Blu-ray/DVD version of the finale episode.

Thoughts on this news? Are you planning on watching the sixth season of The Walking Dead on Blu-ray/DVD?


By Ruari Williamson

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