Filming on the Wonder Woman movie has officially wrapped up. The movie stars Gal Gadot as the title character (reprising her role from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice).
Gadot herself made the announcement on her Facebook page. She said:
“Today was my last day shooting the solo Wonder Woman movie! It’s been such an amazing, exciting, dreamy, happy and fascinating experience I will cherish it forever. Thank you to everyone who was involved, our amazing cast, crew and phenomenal director.”
Gadot will be heading straight from the Wonder Woman set to the set of Justice League. The Justice League movie has already been filming for approximately a month.
The Wonder Woman movie will explore the origins of the character and how she became the superhero that saved Batman and Superman earlier this year.
The Wonder Woman movie is scheduled for release on June 2nd, 2017.
Thoughts on this news? Are you excited for the release of the Wonder Woman movie?
X-Men franchise producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: The Last Stand) has revealed that Hugh Jackman’s final Wolverine movie has begun filming.
Kinberg has promised that the movie will be very different from previous instalments in the franchise. He said:
“It’s a very radical, bold, different Wolverine than you’ve ever seen in any of these movies.”
However, Kinberg wouldn’t confirm if Patrick Stewart will be reprising the role of Professor X for the film- instead confirming the rumoured “R” rating. He said:
“I’m not sure what I’m allowed to say about that. I will agree with you that Patrick Stewart was rumoured to be a part of that film. It takes place in the future, and as you and others have reported, it is an R-rated movie. It’s violent, it’s kind of like a western in its tone. It’s just a very cool, different film.”
The Wolverine 3 is scheduled for release on March 3rd, 2017.
Thoughts on this news? Are you excited for the release of The Wolverine 3?
Michael Giacchino (Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Jurassic World, Lost, The Incredibles, Super 8, Up) has revealed that he will be scoring Marvel’s Doctor Strange movie.
“Doctor Strange follows the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a horrific car accident, discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions.”
The Doctor Strange movie is scheduled for release on November 4th, 2016.
Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to hearing Michael Giacchino’s score on the Doctor Strange movie?
The names of America’s Hogwarts Houses in the Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them have reportedly been revealed.
America’s Hogwarts is called Ilvermorny. Ilvermorny’s four houses are called Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird, and Pukwudgie.
The names were discovered by someone finding a JavaScript for a new quiz being put together on the official Harry Potter website. The first question in the quiz is: “Where do you belong? Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird, or Pukwudgie…”
The quiz also has descriptions of the creatures. They are:
Horned Serpent- “Dragon-like serpents with horns and long teeth. They are often associated with or said to control the weather, particularly rain, lightning, and thunder. Magical abilities ascribed to them include shape-shifting, invisibility and hypnotic powers.”
Wampus- “cat-like” creature described as “some kind of fearsome variation of a cougar.”
Thunderbird- “Legendary creature often described as a very large bird, capable of generating storms and thunder as it flies.”
Pukwudgie- “Two-to-three feet tall and human-shaped, but with a larger nose, ears, and fingers and smooth, grey skin that sometimes glows. Its magical abilities include disappearing and reappearing, partial or complete transformation into a porcupine or cougar, and creating fire.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is scheduled for release on November 18th, 2016.
Thoughts on this report? What do you think of the names?
Producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: The Last Stand) has confirmed that the X-Men movie that will follow this years’ X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in the 1990’s.
Kinberg said:
“The next one is set in the ’90s.”
This follows the pattern Fox established with the X-Men franchise ever since X-Men: First Class (2011) took the franchise back in time. First Class was set in the 1960’s, followed by X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) taking place in the 1970’s and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) taking place in the 1980’s. All of the recent X-Men films have had ten year time jumps.
It’s unknown whether Kinberg was referring to the next core X-Men movie or the spin-off based on The New Mutants.
Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to seeing an X-Men movie set in the 1990’s?
A sequel to EA’s Star Wars Battlefront (2015) will be released in 2017.
EA’s CFO Blake Jorgensen revealed recently that the company plans to release one new Star Wars video-game a year for the next three-four years at least. The first of these will be the aforementioned Battlefront 2. EA’s first Battlefront game was released last November.
Jorgensen said:
“Next year we’ll see Star Wars Battlefront back with bigger and better worlds, because we now have the new movies to work off [and] not just the historical movies that we used before.”
In addition, Jorgensen also confirmed that Visceral’s Star Wars video-game will be released in 2018. It will reportedly be in the same vein as the cancelled Star Wars 1313 video-game.
No exact release date is known for Battlefront 2 other than its 2017 release.
Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to the release of Star Wars Battlefront 2?
A new featurette for X-Men: Apocalypse has been released. The featurette is titled “James McAvoy Becomes Professor X” and gives fans a behind the scenes look at James McAvoy (Charles Xavier) shaving his head to bring the iconic bald look of Professor X to the movie.
You can watch the featurette below:
McAvoy said:
“You’ve still got to honour the iconic nature of Professor X. I’m glad to finally arrive at that destination.”
McAvoy previously played Charles Xavier in X-Men: First Class (2011) and X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). However, this is the first time that the actor will sport Professor X’s iconic bald look. The featurette also includes an appearance from the original Charles Xavier actor Patrick Stewart.
Thoughts on the featurette? Are you looking forward to the release of X-Men: Apocalypse?
X-Men: Apocalypse is set for release on May 27th.
By Ruari Williamson
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Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Inception, Legend) is rumoured to have a small role in Star Wars Episode VIII.
*This is only a rumour and may or may not be accurate. However, if you’re looking to avoid any possible details concerning Episode VIII this is your SPOILER ALERT warning*.
Details on Hardy’s scene in the film are as follows:
Tom Hardy plays a First Order stormtrooper.
Said stormtrooper glimpses FN-2187 on a secret mission but doesn’t realize it.
The “incognito” FN-2187 is surprised when the stormtrooper walks up behind him and slaps him on the ass.
FN-2187 turns around and believes he’s dead. He’s surely going to be captured.
The stormtrooper is elated to see his old friend from back during their First Order academy days.
The stormtrooper congratulates FN-2187 on his promotion to Resistance infiltrator and spy.
FN-2187 is free to go about his business to his amazement.
It sounds like Hardy’s role will be in a similar vein to Daniel Craig’s cameo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the sense that he only appears in one scene.
Star Wars Episode VIII is scheduled for release on December 15th, 2017.
Thoughts on this rumour? Would you like to see Tom Hardy make an appearance in Star Wars Episode VIII?
The eighth instalment in the Fast & Furious franchise has officially begun production in Cuba.
The announcement was made through the Twitter account for the franchise. The exact location of the set is in Havana, Cuba. Vin Diesel (Dominic Toretto) has described it as taking his character “home, home, home to where he started.”
Fast 8 is scheduled for release on April 14th, 2017.
Thoughts on this news? Are you looking forward to the release of the eighth instalment in the Fast & Furious franchise?
Warner Bros. and DC Comics have added one of the stars of the upcoming Justice League movie to its creative team. Ben Affleck (Bruce Wayne/Batman) will be serving as an executive producer in addition to starring in the movie. Zack Snyder and Chris Terrio return as the director and screenwriter respectively.
This is an unsurprising move as it’s rumoured that Affleck will be directing the upcoming Batman standalone movie.
Affleck has previously written and directed several other movies including the Oscar-winning Argo. Other projects he worked on the creative team for include Gone Baby Gone and The Town.
The Justice League: Part One is scheduled for release on November 17th, 2017. Part Two will follow on June 14th, 2019.
Thoughts on this news? Are you happy that Ben Affleck will have a creative role on Justice League in addition to starring in the movie?