The Walking Dead- Season 6 Episodes 4 & 5 Titles and Synopsis Revealed

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The Walking Dead is back in full swing, and now the titles and synopsis of two upcoming episodes in the shows sixth season have been released.

The titles and synopsis read as follows:

Episode 4- Here’s Not Here

“A new face appears; trust issues form.”

Episode 5- Now

“Following a number of setbacks, the mood in Alexandria grows grim for the sheltered citizens.”

Episode 4 is rumoured to the flashback episode focusing entirely on Morgan Jones.

Thoughts on the titles and synopsis?


By Ruari Williamson

Everything Geek Podcast Interview Today- Michael Traynor

Michael Traynor on EGNicholas The Walking Dead 2

On the one-hundredth and sixteenth episode and next LIVE episode of the Everything Geek Podcast this weekend, we’ll be interviewing actor Michael Traynor! Michael is best-known for playing Nicholas in The Walking Dead. His other notable roles include Smiley in Smiley, George Melton in Rectify, Craig in The Fosters, Wes in Cry Funny Happy, Junior DEA Agent in Homefront, Michael in A Necessary Death, Groomsman #1 in A Perfect Getaway, Carjacker in NYPD Blue and Waiter Guy in Imaginary Bitches. We’ll be taking YOUR questions for Michael as well, so if you have any questions for Michael on any of his roles, please leave them in the comments or call-in when we look for questions or call-ins from our listeners on Channel1138! Michael’s full list of credits can be found here:
Michael’s Credits
Our Live Website

By Ruari Williamson


Due to personal reasons, Michael Traynor has had to pull out of doing the interview today. We hope to re-schedule him soon.

We’ll still have a lot of great discussion topics to talk about so we hope you’ll tune in for those!

Star Wars Rebels Episode Review- “Relics of the Old Republic”

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Star Wars: Rebels picks up where its second season premier left off- with the Empire on the way to hunt the stranded rebels and clone troopers.

Just like in the previous episode, it was interesting to watch the interactions between the rebels and the clone troopers- especially with Ezra Bridger and Captain Rex, who work great together in this episode. Even Kanan has a (very near) change of heart towards the clones by the end of the episode.

However, it was even more interesting to watch the clones taking on the Empire’s Stormtroopers (albeit it was a walker battle). That said, it was pretty exciting for me as a long-time Star Wars fan seeing Republic and Imperial walkers fighting (the clones using their modified AT-TE and the Empire using their AT-AT’s). The moment where the clones bash one of the AT-AT’s legs so hard it falls over was incredibly shot. Even though it wasn’t quite a ground battle between both sets of troopers (which I’m still hoping to see), it was still excellent.

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As we saw many times in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the clone troopers again show how heroic they are prepared to be when Rex, Wolffe and Gregor attempt to divert Agent Kallus’ attention away from the rebels escaping on the Phantom (the scene where they charge the AT-AT’s has to be on my favourite scenes in Rebels so far). In the end it was great that they decided to join the rebels after all (though they didn’t have much choice with the AT-TE being destroyed).

The episode also features the debut of one of the new inquisitors, the Fifth Brother. We learn that he has been dispatched by Darth Vader to succeed where the imperials tracking the rebels (Kallus and Admiral Konstantine) have failed, so it’ll be interesting to see him take on the rebels very soon. Note: The Fifth Brother’s design was based on an un-used concept for this years’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

The episode ends with a heartfelt (and hug-worthy) reunion between Ahsoka Tano and Rex, something fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars could have only dreamed of happening when The Clone Wars was cancelled. Dreams do become realities and this episode ended on a really positive note for Star Wars fans. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I can’t wait to see a lot more scenes with Ahsoka and Rex in Rebels.

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In my opinion, this was another excellent episode of Star Wars: Rebels. The episode handles the rebels and clone troopers working together really well, a walker fight, the introduction of the Fifth Brother and an amazing reunion with Ahsoka and Rex. If I had one (albeit small) complaint about the episode, it would be that most of the funny lines in this episode were already shown in the Season 2 trailers. However, that doesn’t majorly detract from another outstanding Rebels episode.

My rating: 9.5/10

By Ruari Williamson

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Episode Review- “Devils You Know”

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The latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D sees S.H.I.E.L.D and ATCU working together for the first time, while still hiding things from each other.

The dynamic between both S.H.I.E.L.D and ATCU is interesting to watch, with Phil Coulson and Rosalind Price working together in uncertainty while other members of S.H.I.E.L.D are a lot less trusting of the fellow Inhuman chasing organisation (Daisy Johnson and Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie in particular have their doubts). It will be interesting to see how the dynamic plays out over the rest of the season and I’m looking forward to seeing if they will continue (uncertainly) helping each other out. ATCU weren’t very useful when they attacked the van Daisy and Mack were in after all.

The attacker was Lash, a pretty intimidating Inhuman we were introduced to see in the Season 3 premier a few weeks ago. We see some interesting scenes with Lash in this episode which leave us with more questions than answers. However, we see that Lash may be able to transform (based on a shadow) into a normal person. Who could Lash be transforming into? Unfortunately it’s a mystery for now, but I’m looking forward to learning who. Note: Anyone else notice that Lash never attacks Daisy?

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However, the highlights of the episode (in my opinion) are on Lance Hunter’s mission to take down Grant Ward. In the previous episode we saw how far Hunter was willing to go to infiltrate H.Y.D.R.A, and this episode shows Hunter and Melinda May in a showdown with Ward. In a cruel twist (and something I speculated on in one of my previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D reviews), Werner von Strucker is ready to kill Andrew Garner (May’s ex-husband) if Hunter and May continue to attack Ward. Hunter continues his attack, and while he manages to shoot Ward the latter manages to escape anyway.

While May looks furiously at Hunter, we see a close-up of the shoes on a man’s body (note that we don’t see the man’s face) in the building Werner had Andrew Garner surrounded in. We see Werner rush out with a look of terror on his face as the building explores from the fire and petrol a couple of H.Y.D.R.A goons had brought while surrounding Garner. Why the look of terror? This explanation might be lengthy: A lot of fans have speculated that Lash could be Andrew and Werner’s look of terror was because Andrew turned into Lash. While I’m sceptical of this theory, Werner’s look of terror wasn’t a first kill look of shock- he was genuinely terrified by something he saw (and those H.Y.D.R.A goons I mentioned weren’t seen again). I’m not sure what happened but I don’t think Andrew Garner is dead, but if he is we lost another great character in the show.

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The end-credits scene of the episode shows Leo Fitz confronting Jemma Simmons over her designs to re-build a portal to the other world she was in (which he had seen earlier in the episode). The episode ends with Simmons promising to tell him everything.

In my opinion, this was another great episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seeing Hunter and May’s mission to take out Ward was unfortunate, but even more so because of the possible death of Andrew Garner (though I still think he’s alive). The slowly-forming relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D and ATCU is interesting to watch and the end-credits scene sets up for a big episode next time around.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

The Big Bang Theory Episode Review- “The Perspiration Implementation”

The latest episode of The Big Bang Theory sees Sheldon and Amy look for other people to date, fencing and… did The Big Bang Theory make their first Pokémon reference?

I have to admit, for a 22-minute episode (as all episodes of The Big Bang Theory are) I was surprised by how much they managed to cover in that timeframe while flowing nicely and never feeling rushed. The highlight of the episode for me was seeing Sheldon and Amy start to consider dating other people after their break-up a few episodes ago, though they both approach it in very different ways. Amy is more casual about looking for a new boyfriend, though she gets asked out by both Stuart and Barry Kripke and she turns both of them down. However, Sheldon goes up to random girls and attempts to get them to go out with him (including the Pokémon reference of “I choose you”). I’m convinced that’s the first Pokemon reference on The Big Bang Theory and I loved it.

Seeing the guys take up fencing was really nice. I’ve always liked when the guys have tried various sports on the show before as those scenes can be very humorous. While the humour in the fencing scenes wasn’t really done through the dialogue, the moment Kripke takes a phone call and Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj start fighting was very funny. It’s always amusing to see the guys try and be more active as well because it very rarely works. I’ve always liked Kripke as a supporting character and it was good to see him return for this episode- and giving instructions to all of the other guys.

Even though Stuart has been part of the show ever since it began, I actually felt like this episode added another layer to his character. We’ve known that he gets nervous around women and he can sometimes appear a little weird around them, but this episode proved how weird and why we don’t see many female characters visit the store. We see how Stuart doesn’t show himself as a person well in front of women and comes across as creepy (with all of the female reviews on the store being negative against Stuart). Stuart explains that it’s because he feels alone and desperate and Amy understands how he feels, leading to Stuart asking her out. Nice try Stuart…

I think the end scene with Sheldon and Amy was handled really well. The writers aren’t rushing into anything, but it’s clear that Sheldon and Amy still want to be in a relationship with each other. I’m sure this scene will lead into something a lot of fans will want to see in upcoming episodes.

In my opinion, this was another good episode in the ninth season of The Big Bang Theory. The episode covered a lot in 22 minutes while flowing perfectly. It was nice to see Sheldon and Amy try to move on and find someone else to date, but the way the final scene of the episode shows that they still want each other is handled really well. It was also great to see the guys take up fencing and I feel like we got even more depth to Stuart’s character.

My rating: 8/10

By Ruari Williamson

The Walking Dead Episode Review- “JSS”

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The Walking Dead continued its sixth season with the episode “JSS”, showing the first attack from The Wolves on the Alexandria Safe-Zone.

This episode focuses on the members of the Alexandria Safe-Zone who weren’t shown in the present time in the season premier (only Morgan Jones appeared in the present in the last episode and this episode), which I really liked and I thought that was one of the things that helped this episode. Even though a number of fans aren’t fond of episodes where the group is apart, it is current showrunner Scott Gimple’s strong suit (splitting the large group to focus on a smaller number of characters) and I think the showrunners should always stick to their strengths.

Even though we’ve seen numerous groups oppose Rick Grimes and co. on the show, we’re still only just getting to know The Wolves (after numerous episodes of teasing last season) but it’s safe to say they’re a major threat given how they easily snuck into Alexandria and the way they brutally murdered a number of its residents. We still haven’t been introduced to the leader of The Wolves yet, but we do see the two members that Morgan encountered in last season’s finale. It will be interesting to see their leader, given how the rest of the group are brutal but apparently didn’t choose the life they live.

Several characters stood out in this episode for me and here’s a round-up of who those characters were:

  • Carol Peletier was terrific as usual and it was great to see her finally get into action in the Safe-Zone (providing the biggest threat to The Wolves).
  • It was great to see some of Enid’s back-story and her “JSS” motto (“Just Survive Somehow”) made a lot of sense in the context of the episode.
  • Jessie’s brutal murder of a female member of The Wolves shows that she can fight (and will soon be an asset to Rick’s group).
  • It was great to see comic series character Denise Cloyd make her first appearance in the show.

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Even though I’ve been a fan of his for a long time, Morgan really needs to step up again. He didn’t kill the two Wolves last season and they came back in this episode. He lets the blond one go again and even though he seemingly killed the black-haired one, I don’t believe he did. Benedict Samuel (who plays that character) is credited as a supporting cast member so I think he’ll definitely return. I honestly don’t believe that Morgan killed him and I think he’s going to face consequences in a bigger way next time.

Even though he doesn’t feature as much as other characters in this episode, I’m wondering what effect the events will have on Aaron- considering he discovered that The Wolves found the Safe-Zone from the photos in the backpack he dropped in last season’s finale. I’m sure we’ll see that have some effect on him in upcoming episodes.

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The episode reveals that the horn heard in the previous episode was indeed coming from the Safe-Zone. Spencer Monroe shoots a truck driver heading towards the main gate and the truck subsequently crashes into a wall- causing the horn to blare (we may see the effect the Walker herd it will bring will be in the next episode).

In my opinion, this was another excellent episode of The Walking Dead. With most of the fighters in the group outside of the Safe-Zone, it was brutal watching how some of the less capable members of Alexandria reacted to the attack from The Wolves. Carol was instrumental in driving them out, with other characters including Enid, Jessie and Morgan standing out in the episode. We’ll have to wait and see if Rick and co. can stop the Walker herd taking over Alexandria and await an inevitable counter-attack from The Wolves.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

PS: Any comic fans annoyed that they finally introduced Holly but killed her in her first episode? I know it has been hinted that they’re going the comic Holly route with Francine, but it still felt like a waste to include a strong character in the comics and kill her off right away.

Report- Peyton Reed to Return and Direct Ant-Man and The Wasp

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After the success of Marvel’s Ant-Man film this year, it came as no surprise that Marvel announced a sequel- which they felt needed to be inserted into phase 3 of their line-up.

A new report indicates that original film director Peyton Reed will return for the sequel, with the sequel titled Ant-Man and The Wasp.

Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.”

It’s also said that no writers have been brought on board for the sequels yet.

Ant-Man and The Wasp is scheduled to be released on July 6th, 2018.

Thoughts on this report?


By Ruari Williamson

Confirmed- Thor Ragnarok and Alien Paradise Lost Will Film in Australia

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The Australian Government has officially announcing that two upcoming films that (geeks are bound to be looking forward to) will be filmed in their own country. The two films are Thor: Ragnarok and Alien: Paradise Lost.

Ausfilm CEO Debra Richards is quoted as saying the below:

“These two major US productions will inject hundreds of millions of dollars into the economy, employ thousands of people across Australia not just within our screen industry but will also utilise Australian goods and services. Productions of this size also contribute to generating skills and training of Australia’s crews and represent a major development and investment opportunity for creative talent both in front of and behind the camera.”

Thor: Ragnarok is scheduled for release on November 3rd, 2017.

Thoughts on this announcement?


By Ruari Williamson

Report- Gambit Film Director Contenders Revealed

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Fox’s upcoming Gambit film has struggled ever since director Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) had to step down from his directorial duties. Recently, it was said that the films lead Channing Tatum was trying to coax Doug Liman (Edge of Tomorrow) to become the new director, but other possible contenders to take on the position have been revealed.

As well as Liman, Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) and Shane Black (Iron Man 3) are reportedly being looked at.

The Gambit film is scheduled for release on October 7th, 2016.

Thoughts on the potential directors?


By Ruari Williamson

Agent Carter Casts Kurtwood Smith as Vernon Masters

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Kurtwood Smith (Resurrection, Robocop, Dead Poets Society, Beware the Batman, 24) has reportedly been cast in a recurring role as Vernon Masters for the second season of Agent Carter.

A description of the character reads as follows:

“Vernon Masters- a veteran of the War Department with a keen understanding of how to work the system.”

Smith has previously worked with Agent Carter showrunners Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas on Resurrection.

Thoughts on this casting?


By Ruari Williamson

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