Report- X-Men Apocalypse Could be Longer Than Previous X-Men Films

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After the massive success of the previous X-Men film, X-Men: Days of Future Past, fans have wondered if it’s possible for director Bryan Singer to top its success with X-Men: Apocalypse. While we’re still in the dark if it can top last year’s success, a new statement from Singer has indicated Apocalypse may be longer.

Singer is quoted as saying the following:

“Usually they’re about two hours, but I might let this one be longer. There’s even an homage at the end — it’s going to get spoiled because they decided to use it in the trailer, which comes out in, like, six months — but it’s kind of a wrap-up of the six movies.”

Not only could X-Men: Apocalypse be the longest in the series, but a homage in the end would be a nice touch (and considering previous statements say that Apocalypse is the last of the trilogy a homage makes sense). The ‘trilogy’ started with First Class in 2011, continued with Days of Future Past last year and will end with Apocalypse next year.

Thoughts on this report? Would you like to see X-Men: Apocalypse be longer than previous films in the X-Men series?


By Ruari Williamson

Rumour- Batman The Killing Joke Animated Film Could Be Given an R-Rating

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DC fans were very excited when it was announced that Batman: The Killing Joke would be adapted into an animated film. Both Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, the voices of Batman and The Joker in many Batman projects respectively, have stated they would love to voice on the film, but no official news has really been released since the initial announcement.

However, a recent tease has hinted at a potential announcement for the animated film.

New York Comic Con’s Batman: Bad Blood First Look panel saw director James Tucker talk about his experience working on the DC animated films, including adaptions and original stories. Tucker is quoted as saying the following:

“At first, we were pretty much told that was what we were going to do, is to do a new universe thing coming off the New 52. But having said that, I actually really enjoy what we’re doing. And also we do three movies a year, two of them are in continuity and one is an adaptation, or an original, or whatever we want it to be. So we still do adaptations. Killing Joke is next year. So you’re kind of getting the best of both worlds, because there’s a finite amount of adaptations really. So doing one a year as opposed to three a year is probably going to make them last a little longer.”

Continuing with his mentioning of The Killing Joke, Tucker then added the following hint at the rating:

“And you know, they said we could make it a R. Not saying that’s what it will be, but we’ll see.”

Thoughts on this rumour? Would you like to see The Killing Joke get an R-rating?


By Ruari Williamson

Rumour- New Possible Details on Spider-Man’s Costume for Captain America Civil War

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When news broke that Marvel and Sony had reached a deal to include Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, everyone immediately suspected that Captain America: Civil War would see his debut in the universe. That news has since been confirmed, but no images of Spider-Man’s look in the film been revealed.

However, a new rumour has hinted at some possible details on Spider-Man’s costume in the third Captain America film.

The rumoured details indicate that the design will be influenced by the old Spider-Man costume, with a Spider-Man logo on the back. You can see what that logo may look like below:

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Captain America: Civil War will officially be released on May 6th, 2016.

Thoughts on the rumoured details? Are you excited to see Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War?


By Ruari Williamson

Report- Details on the Villain and Opening Scene of the New Power Rangers Film Revealed

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Progress is picking up on the upcoming Power Rangers film, and as such new rumours have been hitting social media recently. The latest report indicates the possible villain and opening scene we may see in the film.

The report comes from Collider, which reads as follows:

“Yes, I’m talking about Scorpina, of course! Sources tell us the ruthless and dangerous minion of Rita has returned to plague the Rangers once more. And it seems she’s brought an army, which she uses to battle the Power Rangers and their robot Megazords in the epic opening battle scene. From what we’re hearing, the Rangers (presumably the Dino Charge team at this point) are protecting the Morphin Grid, an energy field that provides power to every generation of Rangers. This energy grid not only lets the Rangers borrow its power to morph into their super versions, it gives them access to past, present, and future Ranger memories so that they can glimpse other Rangers and glean strategies from battles. The instruction manual on the Morphin Grid is probably pretty extensive, but certain glitches like not being able to sustain two of the same Rangers for long will give the Power Rangers writers plenty of plot options to work with.”

As you can see, Scorpina is potentially going to be the villain of the new film.

Thoughts on this rumour? Would you like to see Scorpina as the villain of the upcoming Power Rangers film?


By Ruari Williamson

Dark Horse and James Cameron Releasing an Avatar Comic Series

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Avatar was one of the highest grossing films of all time and is regarded highly by many film-goers, but progress on the sequels has been slow. To keep fans excited about Avatar and get their anticipation for the forthcoming sequels higher, the film’s director James Cameron and Dark Horse Comics have announced an Avatar comic series.

Cameron is quoted as saying the following:

“I’m excited that starting now, even before the release of the first sequel, Dark Horse Comics will be bringing you new adventures from Pandora, covering the time before, during, and after the events of the original Avatar film. For the past 27 years, Dark Horse has been associated with my films The Terminator, Aliens, and The Abyss. Now they’re working directly with me and our team at Lightstorm in an unprecedented ten-year partnership that’s going to create new stories that will take you deeper into the world of Avatar.”

The announcement came at a New York Comic Con panel. While Cameron was unable to attend in person, he sent a video message to accompany the announcement.

Thoughts on the announcement? Are you looking forward to the Avatar comic series?


By Ruari Williamson

Today’s Behind The Scenes Sunday Pictures

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Here are the behind-the-scenes pictures we shared on our Facebook and Twitter pages today.

1. Cast member Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker) filming a scene for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

2. Cast member Frank Dillane (Nicholas Clark) filming a scene for Fear The Walking Dead.

3. Cast member Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/Arrow) on location for the Arrow/The Flash cross-over event.

4. Director Alfonso Cuarón and cast member Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) on location for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

5. Cast member Michelle Gomez (Missy) filming a scene for Doctor Who.

6. Cast members Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) and Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) during filming of a scene for The Walking Dead.

7. Director Joss Whedon and cast member Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow) on the set of The Avengers.

8. Creator George Lucas and cast member Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia Organa) talking on the set of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

By Ruari Williamson

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New Guest Announcement- Ann Mahoney

Olivia The Walking Dead

The Everything Geek Podcast is DELIGHTED to announce that actress Ann Mahoney is the next actress we’re confirming for a celebrity guest interview on the podcast!
Ann is best-known for playing Olivia in The Walking Dead. Her other notable roles include Rita Walachowski in Barefoot, Coach Lisa in Big Momma’s House 2, Beth in Rectify, Jenna in the Frankenstein TV movie, Mabel in Hart of Dixie, Astrid in Flakes.

We’re looking forward to chatting with and interviewing Ann on the podcast. If you have any questions for Ann please feel free to leave them in the comments. We’ll make sure to post updates once a date is confirmed for Ann to be on the podcast. 

By Ruari Williamson

Doctor Who Episode Review- “Before the Flood”

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The previous episode of Doctor Who ended on a large cliff-hanger: The Doctor had become one of the Ghosts. Could the second episode in this two-parter provide a logical explanation how The Doctor will live while a Ghost of him is there?

I have to admit it, while I have nothing against his writing and I appreciate most of his work, I’ve felt that sometimes Steven Moffat can use what are called ‘get out of jail cards’ to try and explain why The Doctor is able to pull something off, and I have to admit in the first two-parter of this series (“The Magician’s Apprentice” and “The Witch’s Familiar”) I was worried the explanation at the end would be poor, but it was perfect and the reasons provided here were great as well, with The Doctor creating a Ghost hologram of himself. Quite clever.

This series of Doctor Who has been consistently impressive, and this episode continued that run. The character development was excellent, The Fisher King villain was impressive (and was performed by three people) and the tension in the episode was excellent.

I only have two complaints which I’ll talk about now. We were introduced to the ship’s crew in the previous episode, and in this episode we see The Doctor, Bennett and O’Donnell going back in time to understand why the Ghosts have been attacking. I have to admit, I thought the crew of the ship were all great characters and I understand that they had to kill off at least one character in this episode, but I was disappointed that it was O’Donnell as she was my favourite of the crew. I also felt her death scene was rushed and not very well done (the saving grace is the pain Bennett feels as a result of her death) so I was disappointed that she was killed off.

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As much as The Fisher King was very impressive, I also felt that he was underused and I would’ve liked to have seen more of him. For a creature that was performed by three people (one as the body, one as the voice and another The Fisher King’s scream) and was hyped a lot ahead of the episode, I was surprised they didn’t use him a lot more. That said, The Fisher King was a very impressive monster and looked glorious in the time he was on-screen.

On a good note, we do get some very nice character moments in this episode. The pain Bennett feels because of O’Donnell’s death is believable, the kiss scene with Cass and Lunn is both heartfelt and humourous and The Doctor has some great lines (as well as the knowledge that he blew up a dam). Oh, and The Doctor still lies (telling The Fisher King that he erased the writing from the wall of the spaceship making it possible for The Doctor to flood the town).

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A few other things I really liked in this episode. Most of the previous episode was spent in the future (and a lot of this episode still is), but most of this episode is set in the past and helps us understand how the Ghosts came about and the origin of the writing on the wall is shown, with The Doctor able to change the future and defeat The Fisher King and the Ghosts. I also liked the special changes to the theme in this episode of Doctor Who, which were made because Corey Taylor was the voice of The Fisher King’s scream. A nice idea to mix the theme up a bit for this episode.

In my opinion, this was another excellent episode of Doctor Who. While I’m a big fan of Doctor Who, I’ve always felt the show is rarely consistent, but we’ve just had four excellent episodes in a row and hopefully the rest of the series can keep up this momentum. The character moments were excellent, The Fisher King (though underused) was an impressive villain and the explanation behind The Doctor’s Ghost was handled well. Another outstanding episode in this series of Doctor Who.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

Pokémon XY Episode Review- “Adventures in Running Errands!”

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Following on from last weeks slow-paced entertainment focused episode, we get another of the same type where nothing major happens but still manages to be a solid episode.

The episode focuses on the group of Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie at a Pokémon Centre. Having only just arrived, the power goes out and so the group all pitches in to help. Even though this episode is technically a Clemont-focused episode, we still get a lot of screen-time for the other heroes and their Pokémon. Ash’s job is to help repair the roof where leaks are coming through and Serena and Bonnie wear Nurse Joy outfits and assist Nurse Joy in helping trainers and their Pokémon. Meanwhile, Pikachu, Dedenne and Luxray restore the electricity through electrical attacks (albeit Dedenne sleeps through most of it).

Seen as the episode is Clemont-focused, we do get great scenes with him doing his best to restore the electricity in the Pokémon Centre. But, he can’t do two things at once (work on the machine and get a fuse he needs to finish the job) so he sends his Chespin and Bunnelby to fetch it for him. As I’ve said before, I really do like scenes that only feature Pokémon in them and so the scenes with Chespin and Bunnelby were fun to watch. They’re especially interesting because in previous episodes it’s (kind of) shown that Clemont’s other Pokémon are wary of Chespin, but this episode definitely shows it with both Bunnelby and Luxray.

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By the end of the episode, Chespin and Bunnelby manage to wade off a Fearow and battle Team Rocket (only barely needing Ash’s help when he arrives) to reach their destination and get the fuse Clemont needs. A job well done, but I’m sure we can all agree that Clemont gave Chespin too much congratulatory Pokémon food… not that Chespin needed any encouragement to eat all of it.

I have to say, Serena and Bonnie looked really amazing in the Nurse Joy outfits. Is Ash finally starting to ‘notice’ Serena? Even though he doesn’t answer her question to way she asked it (she asks him how she looks), Ash does say great and that she could be the real Nurse Joy. Hmmmm…

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In my opinion, this was another good Pokémon XY episode, but another that is unlikely to be significant in the long run as no major events happen. That said, the episode does have its good parts that I liked- seeing more scenes with only Pokémon involved (the Chespin/Bunnelby scenes) was something I’ve wanted to see more of, Serena and Bonnie getting to wear Nurse Joy outfits was really nice to see and watching the group pitch it to restore a Pokémon Centre’s power was a nice idea to follow. Not great but slightly better than last week’s episode with more of a story to follow.

My rating: 7.5/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

Interview We Recommend- Gary Kurtz

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Hi everyone, every weekend we’ll be posting an article recommending an interview of ours we think you should check out.

In the first edition, we recommend you give our interview with producer Gary Kurtz a listen.

“Join host Ruari in this special guest interview recorded at London Film and Comic Con with producer Gary Kurtz, producer of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Crystal, Friends and Heroes, Executive Producer on Return to Oz and the Co-Producer on American Graffiti. In the interview they talk about whether Gary is enjoying the event so far, how Gary decided he wanted to become a producer, whether Gary has any regrets leaving Star Wars after The Empire Strikes Back and had he stayed did he think he would have been able to convince George Lucas to use the original story for Return of the Jedi, the original story details Gary remembers for what the prequels and sequels were originally going to be about, whether it’s true that Gary came up with the title for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Gary’s upcoming producing works and other projects.”

Be sure to leave your feedback on the interview and enjoy!

By Ruari Williamson

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