Batman Arkham Knight to Get Batman v Superman Batsuit and Batmobile

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Ever since the release of Batman: Arkham Knight back in June, we’ve seen numerous announcements of add-ons coming to the game, including movie skins and vehicles. However, the latest announcement could be considered the most exciting of the additional features…

Ben Affleck’s Batman costume and the Batmobile from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be added to the game. The news came from Rocksteady’s reveal of the remaining season pass content for Arkham Knight.

The pack will be released in December. The same month will see the release of the Batman suit from The Dark Knight in the game.

December will also see the release of an expansion titled “Season of Infamy: Most Wanted Expansion”, which will four side-quests featuring Killer Croc, Mister Freeze, Mad Hatter and Ra’s Al Ghul respectively.

Thoughts on this news?


By Ruari Williamson

Supergirl- “Stronger Together” Episode Description Released

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The CW isn’t the only channel releasing episode descriptions for DC-related shows, as CBS have released a description of Supergirl’s second episode titled “Stronger Together”.

The description can be read below:

“When Kara’s attempts to help National City don’t go according to plan, she must put aside the doubts that she – and the city’s media – has about her abilities in order to capture an escapee from the Kryptonian prison, Fort Rozz. Also, Cat pressures James to use his connection to Superman to get her an interview with Supergirl.”

Thoughts on the description?


By Ruari Williamson

The Flash- “Light and Dark” Episode Synopsis Released

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The CW have also released the synopsis for “Light and Dark”, the fifth episode of The Flash Season 2.

The episode will feature the debut of Dr. Light from the DC comics (a character who hails from Earth-2).

The synopsis reads as follows:

“Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her.  Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her.  However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom.  Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date.”

Thoughts on the synopsis?


By Ruari Williamson

Arrow- “Haunted” Episode Synopsis Released

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The CW is continuing to release synopsis’s for upcoming episodes of their DC shows, the latest being the synopsis for the fifth episode of Arrow Season 4 titled “Haunted”.

The episode features Matt Ryan reprising his role of John Constantine from the NBC series.

The synopsis reads as follows:

“When things take a turn for the worse with Sara, Oliver calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine.”

Thoughts on the synopsis?


By Ruari Williamson

Report- Mark Ruffalo Nearing a Deal to Appear in Thor Ragnarok

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Recent rumours had indicated that The Incredible Hulk would be appearing in the third Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok, but now a new report has stated that Mark Ruffalo (who plays the giant in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) is close to signing a deal with Marvel Studios to officially appear in the film.

With all of the other Avengers appearing in Captain America: Civil War, it would be ironic if the two left out (Thor and The Incredible Hulk) were to be in the same film, and it looks like that will be happening.

Thor: Ragnarok is scheduled for release on July 28th, 2017.

Thoughts on this report?


By Ruari Williamson

Star Wars Rebels Episode Review- “The Lost Commanders”

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After what felt like a long wait following the jaw-dropping “Siege of Lothal” episode, the second season of Star Wars: Rebels began airing with the episode “The Lost Commanders”.

We may have only just witnessed the appearance of a major character from Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Ahsoka Tano) on Rebels earlier this year, but this episode brings in three more characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars- Captain Rex (another major character in The Clone Wars), Commander Wolffe (my favourite clone) and Gregor (are they going to explain how he survived)?

With 15 years having passed since the end of the Clone Wars era, it’s notable that all three troopers have changed in some way- especially with their accelerated aging making all three old men now, but at the same time Rex and Wolffe do still act a lot like they used to, while Gregor has gone bonkers (but very entertaining to watch). Although, does anyone else think it’s a strange trio of clones? I know Rex and Wolffe encountered each other, but Gregor was never seen with either of them before. We’ll have to wait and see if there’s an explanation for how the three came together.

I’ll be the first to confess, I was hard on Rex in The Clone Wars. There were times when I felt he was over-rated and others where I felt they tried to give him character development and it didn’t quite work, but I will say the Rex we’re introduced to in Rebels is superb. Here he’s still a lot like the Rex fans have loved for years, but at the same time he feels he has gotten too old to fight and wouldn’t be of use to anyone. It’s very sad to watch when you consider how sure of himself he started off as in The Clone Wars, before beginning to question the point of the war later on in the show and that carries on into who he is in Rebels. I found myself more interesting in watching Rex in this episode than towards the end of The Clone Wars, and that’s a major compliment on how they brought him into Rebels.

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In contrast, Wolffe has always been a darker clone compared to Rex and Gregor (though it’s hard to compare him to the latter who only appeared in one episode of The Clone Wars). While Rex was the main clone of The Clone Wars, Wolffe has always been my favourite (and supervising director’s Dave Filoni as well) and I found it really interesting what they did with Wolffe in this episode. It made sense that if any of the three clones would contact the Empire, it would be Wolffe (considering Rex is loyal and Gregor is crazy). However, the revelation that Wolffe not only contacted the Empire but was ignoring Ahsoka’s transmissions was a big reveal, but I think Rex will forgive him as Wolffe was trying to protect Rex and Gregor. We’ll see if the rebels will forgive him too…

On the topic of the rebels, it was very interesting to see how they all reacted to the clones because they were all going to react in different ways- Kanan naturally is wary of them because of Order 66 (even though the three clones removed the brain chips from their heads), Ezra just sees people that want to help them and Sabine and Zeb seem to like the three as well. We’ll have to wait and how if the way they feel about the clones changes in upcoming episodes, especially as far as Kanan is concerned.

The three clones weren’t the only references to The Clone Wars series in this episode (not counting Ahsoka’s appearance at the start of the episode either). There were actually a lot of small references to the show you may have easily missed, including- The head of a Separatist Tactical Droid, the modified AT-TE walker, the Joopa having the same sounds as some of the Umbaran technology and part of the Ryloth soundtrack being used in the Hera/Kanan talk scene.

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The revelation that Wolffe contacted the Empire is compounded when a Probe droid follows them and attacks, damaging the Phantom’s engine and leaving the rebels stranded with Rex, Wolffe and Gregor. The next episode is bound to be interesting to see how they fend off the Empire.

In my opinion, this was an excellent start to the second season of Star Wars: Rebels. The appearances of Rex, Wolffe and Gregor from The Clone Wars was a treat to see (though still an odd trio) and there were lots of great The Clone Wars references in the episode. The reactions of the rebels to the clones was also interesting, and the reveal that Wolffe contacted the Empire was a major twist. This episode sets up for what should be another very interesting season.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Episode Review- A Wanted (Inhu)man

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The third episode in the latest season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D offered many surprises, some surprise revelations and the first episode that really showed Lincoln Campbell as a main character.

Not long after Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’s second season finale, it was announced that Luke Mitchell (who plays Lincoln) had been promoted to a main cast member position. However, we hadn’t really seen him in a major role in the first two episodes (only supporting in the first and not appearing at all in the second) but this episode changed all of that.

In the first episode of the season, we sympathise that Lincoln is trying to build a normal life for himself (even though as viewers we know that won’t be possible) and it’s tragic watching this episode with so many difficulties presenting themselves to Lincoln, including wanted statements on the news, Rosalind Price’s A.C.T.U on his trail, accidentally killing John Donnelly (his so-called only friend) and S.H.I.E.L.D trying to bring him in. That’s too much for a character to go through in one episode, right? At least he got something good in this episode when Daisy kisses him right before the A.C.T.U catches up to him. However, once again he disappears so we’ll have to wait to see where he ends up next (and it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Daisy and Lincoln going forward).

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Speaking of normal lives, it was very interesting to watch Jemma Simmons (with Fitz’s help) try to adjust back to life on Earth. Considering everything she went through on that other world it’s no surprise that we see her struggling in this episode, though at least we finally see Simmons and Fitz go on a date (of sorts). I’m sure shippers will be happy that Fitz still had that reservation though…

I have to say, Lance Hunter has been one of my favourite characters for a long time (probably because I was born in England and he has a great English accent) but I think this has been one of his best episodes in the show. The fight scenes with Hunter were incredibly well done and the bravery he shows to get HYDRA’s attention (which results in him getting to meet Grant Ward’s second-in-command Kebo) was truly excellent, showing how far he’s willing to go to get to Ward (after what he did to Bobbi last season).

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The end-credits scene ends the episode on a surprising note, with Simmons revealing that she needs to go back to the other world. This will certainly raise questions in the upcoming episodes (and Fitz is not going to like this when he hears about it).

In my opinion, this was another outstanding episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The character development for Lincoln was excellent and it was great to see some romance between him and Daisy (which I had suspicions that it could happen), the scenes with Coulson and Rosalind Price were again entertaining, Hunter’s fight scenes were great and getting to see Simmons struggle to get used to life on Earth against was good to watch. The end-credits scene will raise interesting questions going into the next episodes.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

The Big Bang Theory Episode Review- “The 2003 Approximation”

The Big Bang Theory’s fourth episode of its ninth season takes us back in time (not quite literally), as Sheldon struggles to adapt to recent changes in his life.

The focus of the episode is on Sheldon, though what makes this episode interesting is how it’s what other characters do that brings the focus on Sheldon. We’ve already seen hints that Sheldon would not like it if Leonard moved in with Penny (and with their recent marriage that was bound to happen soon), so a main focus in this episode is how Sheldon reacts to that development and how they can make a deal that leaves everyone happy.

His reaction? To change his room back to the way it was in 2003 before he met Leonard. I have to admit, I really liked how the room felt like the flashbacks scenes which showed us how Sheldon and Leonard met (in an episode several seasons ago). A nice touch by the writers to have Sheldon do that, in my opinion. Not only was this done because of Leonard and Penny moving in together, but Sheldon also wanted to show that he is going back to having no emotions.

I think it was a great idea from the writers to have Penny and Leonard stay in Sheldon’s room at least half of the time, as opposed to them both staying permanently in Penny’s room and Sheldon being alone. This episode (as well as previous episodes where it’s hinted at) show that Sheldon isn’t ready for the others to move away from him (even if it’s just across the hall) so this was a nice decision to make.

On a more random note, did anyone else really like the Sheldon and Bernadette scene? Aside from brief conversations they’ve had in the midst of the group I can’t remember any scenes where it’s just the two of them.

Even though the focus of the episode is on Sheldon (and the most important events centre around him), we get some great Howard and Raj scenes where they attempt to play filk music (as Stuart was looking for some live music to play in the comic book store). This music is revealed to be a mixture of folk and sci-fi themes. Even though these scenes aren’t hugely significant, the music and the lyrics are a good way for the showrunners to throw an assortment of geeky references into the episode (including Thor and Indiana Jones being name-dropped).

Other scenes that stood out to me are Leonard’s signing of the ‘unroommate agreement’ and Sheldon’s interviewing of possible new roommates, both of these scenes providing excellent humour.

In my opinion, this was another really good episode of The Big Bang Theory. While the major event of the episode is Leonard officially moving in with Penny, it was an interesting choice to focus on Sheldon’s perspective of that happening. The idea of changing his room back to how it was in 2003 was great, and the Howard and Raj scenes were a great way to include geeky references. Another good episode.

My rating: 8/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

The Walking Dead Episode Review- “First Time Again”

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Now that the first season of the companion series Fear The Walking Dead has come and gone, attention turns back to the main series after the major cliff-hanger Season 5 ended on.

New season premiers are always big for any TV show, so showrunners usually try and make the premier big or they use it to try something new. The Walking Dead went more for the latter in its sixth season premier with its mix of present day and black and white imagery (the latter signifying events that took place before the events in the episode). In my opinion this was a really good idea (especially as they’ve done flashbacks which have confused some fans) so I think doing the black and white imagery was a great way to illustrate the flashback scenes. However, it felt like the episode was split between present events and flashbacks. While I usually like balance in the TV shows I watch, I felt like the novelty and idea wore off after a while and felt we didn’t need as many flashbacks as we got (but that may just be my opinion). I’m not denying that the flashbacks were important but I felt that having half of the episode be present-day and the other half flashbacks after a while got a bit tiresome.

We see Rick Grimes and his group continuing to adjust to life in the Alexandria Safe-Zone, especially after the deaths of Reg and Pete in last season’s finale- they do this by showing that a number of Alexandrians still don’t trust Rick, including a number of new characters and characters we’ve seen before. More on them to follow…

Carter, one of the new characters we’re introduced to, is very much against Rick for most of the episode- this includes a meeting with other Alexandrians and a plot to kill Rick which comes to nothing (but for the comic fans you may have noticed Spencer was part of the meeting). It’s only towards the end of the episode where he starts to redeem himself, but is attacked and bitten by a stray Walker (leaving Rick to stab him to prevent the Walkers from hearing his screams). I have to admit I was surprised they killed off Carter in his first episode. Not only was he played by a fairly well-known actor (Ethan Embry) but there was a lot of publicity on him heading into the season (including an Entertainment Weekly article on some of the new characters). That said, even though he’ll be remembered as a one-episode character he did go through a lot of development in his only episode.

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We also see Ron (one of Jessie’s sons who we were introduced to last season) start to turn against Rick, clearly unhappy about his father Pete’s death. We get some interesting scenes with Rick and Ron in the episode (and the talk scene with Rick and Jessie regarding Ron was also interesting) and I’m curious what the showrunners are planning to do with Ron, but I highly doubt it was him blowing the horn at the end of the episode.

We also get introduced to Heath (a popular character from the comic series), who quickly begins to work well with Glenn in the episode. Speaking of Glenn, it looks like Nicholas is trying to redeem himself after their fight in last seasons finale.

However, one character that definitely wasn’t against Rick in this episode was Morgan Jones (showing another San Diego Comic-Con trailer was intended to be mis-leading). It was great to see them back on-screen and working together following the cliff-hanger last season, and I’m looking forward to a lot more scenes with both characters this season (especially now that Lennie James is a main cast member).

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I have to admit, the showrunners plan for how Rick and co. were going to lure the Walkers from the quarry was a very clever plan. However, it’s a pity that the plan looks set to fail with that horn (which I mentioned before) going off and will likely lure the Walkers towards the Safe-Zone.

The episode ends with the continued sounds of the horn, with hundreds of Walkers on-screen and heading towards the Alexandria Safe-Zone.

In my opinion, this was an outstanding season premier from The Walking Dead. We get introduced to several new characters (though Carter dies in this episode), the episode carries on from last season’s finale perfectly, the use of black and white imagery to indicate flashbacks was a great idea (though maybe there were too many flashbacks) and the episode ends on a big cliff-hanger. It’s likely the next episode will focus on the characters who stayed at the Safe-Zone and didn’t go to the quarry.

My rating: 9/10

By Ruari Williamson

*The opinions in this article are of the writer and do not represent the views of all of the Everything Geek Podcast staff*.

Marvel Comics Announce Five-Issue Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi Comic Miniseries

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Marvel Comics will be going back to the Prequel Trilogy era, more specifically the time between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones with a five-issue miniseries focusing on Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Here is the a short description for the the five-issue miniseries by the writer of the story – Charles Soule:

“The miniseries is set three years into Anakin’s training under Obi-Wan — something he promised the dying Qui-Gon he would do — at a peacetime period where the Jedi are at the height of their power and many feel Anakin is destined to do an enormous amount of good for the universe.

He and Obi-Wan are in a spaceship heading back to a diplomatic fleet when they get a distress call from a remote deserted planet. When they land, the Jedi find a mountainous place with deep valleys containing huge roiling clouds of green mist that cover the surface. “It’s a place that’s designed to have many, many secrets,” Soule says, “and it does.

While they go on their mission, it’s interspersed with flashbacks showing how the title’s main stars reached a personal crisis point between them.”

The upcoming mini series is set to be released in January of next year. The miniseries will be written by Charles Soule (Star Wars: Lando) with artwork by Marco Checchetto (Star Wars: Shattered Empire).

It is very interesting and refreshing to have Marvel go back to this part of the Star Wars timeline. Due to all of the previous Expanded Universe material being made non-canon and will appear under the Legends banner, the time period between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones has no stories set in it as part of the new canon.

Thoughts on this announcement? Are you excited for this comic series?


By Dan Georgiev

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